General information

          Socio-economic and environment are inter-dependent. A healthy and good quality human resource (labor force) is a productive working force that breeds a healthy economy and one that recognizes the value of environment quality. A well-managed economy sustains the productivity of natural endowments and the life support system needed to build a healthy society. Well-conserved natural resources provide communities with sustainable source of livelihood and income and thus improve their economic welfare. Clean environment and good economy ensure the quality of life.

          Thus, the company has identified the framework for the development strategies for the identified host and neighboring community’s needs, problems or concerns. These programs contain primary areas of concern such as limited source of income, low level of educational attainment, unemployment and health problems.

Enterprise Development and Networking

  1. Goals

    To assist and the LGUs and the government agencies concerned by increasing the productivity of the farmers and fishermen through optimum and proper utilization of agriculture and fishery technologies.

    To provide livelihood assistance programs to organized groups and beneficiaries as well as provide capability training, financial grants, improve facilities and equipment to enhance their entrepreneurial skills.

  2. Objective

    To augment the income of program beneficiaries/recipients.

  3.  Strategy

        The contractor shall provide financial assistance and capital funding to registered cooperatives/organizations/beneficiaries in order for entrepreneurial activities;

        The contractor shall initiate training on small-business management and marketing strategies, and related training in partnership with the DTI;

        The contractor shall assist in the (a) establishment of livelihood training and production display centers, and (b) organization of cooperatives and other people’s organization and associations.

Human Resource Development and Institution Building

  1. Goals

    To improve the level of education attainment of beneficiaries thru formal, non-formal education and skills training.

    To provide assistance to educational institutions in order to improve the standard of education in the host and neighboring communities.

  2. Objective

    To provide opportunities for students to have access in better education and to improve the skills of the residents, thus enhancing employment potentials.

  3.  Strategy

    a.    Implementation of elementary, high school, technical and college scholarships programs for poor but deserving students. The scholarship program will be open only to public schools so that more numbers of recipients will be accommodated. The scholarship program shall cover payment for all basic school fees and expenses, such as tuition fees, book allowances, miscellaneous fees, uniforms and stipend/monthly allowances. This is to ensure that scholars are able to pay for and attend school regularly.

    b.    Implementation of Adopt-a-School program to enhance the facilities of the adopted school by way of donation textbooks and possibly computer(s), and fixtures, providing assistance to improve the facilities, conduct of training and others.

    c.    Implementation of skills training such a masonry, welding, electrician, etc. in coordination with the LGU and TESDA.

Employment Promotions

  1. Goals

    To improve the skills of unemployed person of the host and neighboring communities; and

    To give employment to qualified unemployed persons of the host and neighboring communities during the conduct of exploration activities.

  2. Objective

    To assists in decreasing the unemployment of host and neighboring communities.

  3.  Strategy

        The contractor shall provide more trainings and education to the unemployed. This could help improve worker’s expertise, e.g. computer literacy, skill, etc., and communication to become more confident and employable.

        The contractor shall limit the hiring of non-highly specialized personnel to the unemployed persons of the host communities.

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